
40 hrs work in 3 days, thus is a tired nurse. I love my job, but often wonder if I chose the right career because it’s rough, 37 patients 1 nurse, some combative, most confused. I come home,sore, exausted, I smell funny and feel like I bearly touched the surface of what needed done, while missing years of valuable time with my children and family for pay that is low for all we do in a days work. Next time you visit grandma in the nurseing home and feel the urge to complain, be kind and remember we do what you were not willing or able to do. On another note, I am off 3 days and switch back to the homestead, holiday dinner shopping ,and gifts for the grandbabies are plans for the weekend,cleaning house, and relaxing with friends. We try to only go into town every 6 weeks so it will feel good to get this out of the way for december!

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